The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. - Albert Camus

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

My 100 Favorite Films

  1. Alfie (2004) Charles Shyer
  2. Alf’s Button Afloat (1938) Marcel Varnel
  3. All That Heaven Allows (1955) Douglas Sirk
  4. A Man Called Ove {En man som heter Ove} SWEDISH (2015) Hannes Holm
  5. Anomalisa (2015) Duke Johnson, Charlie Kaufman
  6. Antigone {Antigoni}GREEK (1961) Yorgos Tzavellas
  7. Billy Budd (1962) Peter Ustinov
  8. Black Swan (2010) Darren Aronofsky
  9. Bladerunner (1982) Ridley Scott
  10. Blow-Up (1966) Michelangelo Antonioni
  11. Breaking The Waves (1996) Lars Von Trier
  12. Brighton Rock (2010) Rowan Joffe / Brighton Rock (1947) John Boulting
  13. Casanova (2005) Lasse Hallstrom
  14. Cast Away On The Moon {Kimssi Pyoryugi}KOREAN (2009) Hae-jun Lee
  15. Christmas In Connecticut (1945) Peter Godfrey
  16. A Clockwork Orange (1971) Stanley Kubrick
  17. The Collector (1965) William Wyler
  18. Cruel Intentions (1999) Roger Kumble / Dangerous Liaisons {Les Liaisons Dangereuses}FRENCH (2003) Director Unknown - TV MOVIE / Dangerous Liaisons (1988) Stephen Frears / Valmont (1989) Milos Forman / Dangerous Liaisons {Wi-heom-han gyan-gye}MANDARIN (2012) Jin-ho Hur
  19. The Day The Earth Stood Still (1951) Robert Wise
  20. Death Race 2000 (1975) Paul Bartel
  21. Death In Venice (1971) Luchino Visconti
  22. Don’t Look Down {No Mires Para Abajo} SPANISH (2008) Eliseo Subiela
  23. Embrace Of The Serpent (El Abrazo De La Serpiente}SPANISH (2015) Ciro Guerra
  24. Ex Machina (2015) Alex Garland
  25. Eyes Without A Face {Les Yeux Sans Visage}FRENCH (1960) George Franju
  26. Fan {Fan}HINDI (2016) Maneesh Sharma
  27. Far From The Madding Crowd (2015) Thomas Vinterberg / Far From The Madding Crowd (1998) Nicholas Renton - TV MOVIE / Far From The Madding Crowd (1967) John Schlesinger
  28. Fight Club (1999) David Fincher
  29. The Fountainhead (1949) King Vidor
  30. Frankenweenie (2012) Tim Burton
  31. G.I. Blues (1960) Norman Taurog
  32. The Girl On A Motorcycle (1968) Jack Cardiff
  33. Harold And Maude (1971) Hal Ashby
  34. The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter (1968) Robert Ellis Miller
  35. Heaven Can Wait (1943) Ernst Lubitsch
    1. An old roué arrives in Hades to review his life with Satan, who will rule on his eligibility to enter the Underworld.
  36. The Heiress (1949) William Wyler
  37. Her (2013) Spike Jonze
  38. Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941) Alexander Hall
    1. Boxer Joe Pendleton dies 50 years too soon due to a heavenly mistake, and is given a new life as a millionaire playboy.
  39. Humoresque (1946) Jean Negulesco
  40. In The Company Of Men (1997) Neil LaBute
    1. Two business executives--one an avowed misogynist, the other recently emotionally wounded by his love interest--set out to exact revenge on the female gender by seeking out the most innocent, uncorrupted girl they can find and ruining her life.
  41. Island of Lost Souls (1932) Erle C. Kenton
  42. It Happened One Night (1934) Frank Capra
    1. A spoiled heiress running away from her family is helped by a man who is actually a reporter in need of a story.
  43. The Jungle Book (2016) Jon Favreau
  44. Late Marriage {Hatuna Meuheret}HEBREW (2001) Dover Koshashvili
  45. Le Notti Bianche {Le Notti Bianche}ITALIAN (1957) Luchino Visconti
  46. Leave Her To Heaven (1945) John M. Stahl
    1. A writer falls in love with a young socialite and they are married soon after, but her obsessive love for him threatens to be the undoing of both them and everyone else around them.
  47. The Lobster (2015) Yorgos Lanthimos
  48. Logan’s Run (1976) Michael Anderson
  49. Love On A Pillow (1962) Roger Vadim
    1. A young girl rescues a man from a suicide attempt. He turns out to be a sociopath, who begins to take over her life, abusing her both verbally and emotionally, yet she can't seem to tear herself away from him.
  50. Madame Bovary (1949) Vincente Minnelli
  51. Magnificent Obsession (1954) Douglas Sirk
  52. The Martian (2015) Ridley Scott
  53. Moby Dick (1956) John Huston
  54. Moon (2009) Duncan Jones
  55. Mr. Skeffington (1944) Vincent Sherman
  56. My Cousin Rachel (1952) Henry Koster
  57. Night Of The Living Dead (1968) George A. Romero
  58. Now We're Alive {Et Maintenant Nous Sommes En Vie} FRENCH (2015) Thibault Arbre
    1. As tradition requires, on his 25th birthday, Tom must choose the girl of his dreams, eyes shut, by the sound of her voice alone.
  59. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) Milos Forman
  60. One Hour Photo (2002) Mark Romanek
  61. Orpheus {Orphée}FRENCH (1950) Jean Cocteau /Black Orpheus {Orfeu Negro} PORTUGUESE (1959) Marcel Camus
  62. Paperhouse (1988) Bernard Rose
  63. Persona {Persona}SWEDISH (1966) Ingmar Bergman
  64. Peter Ibbetson (1935) Henry Hathaway
    1. Architect Peter Ibbetson is hired by the Duke of Towers to design a building for him. Ibbetson discovers that the Duchess of Towers, Mary, is his now-grown childhood sweetheart. Their love revives, but Peter is sentenced to life in prison for an accidental killing. Mary comes to him in dreams and they are able to live out their romance in a dream world.
  65. Pillow Talk (1959) Michael Gordon
  66. Planet Of The Apes (1968) Franklin J. Schaffner
  67. Play Misty For Me (1971) Clint Eastwood
  68. Portrait Of Jennie (1948) William Dieterle
  69. The Purple Rose Of Cairo (1985) Woody Allen
  70. Rachel, Rachel (1968) Paul Newman
  71. Rebecca (1940) Alfred Hitchcock
  72. Robocop (1987) Paul Verhoeven / Robocop 2 (1990) Irvin Kershner / Robocop 3 (1993) Fred Dekker / Robocop (2014) José Padilha
  73. Rollerball (1975) Norman Jewison
  74. Romeo And Juliet (1968) Franco Zeffirelli / Romeo + Juliet (1996) Baz Luhrmann
  75. Running On Empty (1988) Sidney Lumet
  76. Santa Sangre (1989) Alejandro Jodorowsky
  77. Se7en (1995) David Fincher
  78. Shock Corridor (1963) Samuel Fuller
  79. Shutter Island (2010) Martin Scorsese
  80. The Silence {Tystnaden}SWEDISH (1963) Ingmar Bergman
  81. Silent Running (1972) Douglas Trumbull
  82. Sleep Tight {Mientras Duermes} SPANISH (2011) Jaume Balagueró
  83. Sleuth (1972) Joseph L. Mankiewicz
  84. Solaris {Solyaris}RUSSIAN (1972) Andrei Tarkovsky
  85. Something Wild (1961) Jack Farfein

    1. A young rape victim tries desperately to pick up the pieces of her life, only to find herself at the mercy of a would-be rescuer.

  86. Sons And Lovers (1960) Jack Cardiff
  87. Splendor In The Grass (1961) Elia Kazan
  88. Stalker {Stalker}RUSSIAN (1979) Andrei Tarkovsky
  89. The Strange Case Of Angelica {O Estranho Caso De Angélica}PORTUGUESE (2010) Manoel De Oliveira
  90. The Subject Was Roses (1968) Ulu Grosbard
  91. To Sir, With Love (1967) James Clavell / To Sir, With Love 2 (1996) Peter Bogdanovich
  92. The Thing (1982) John Carpenter
  93. The Truman Show (1998) Peter Weir
  94. This Sporting Life (1963) Lindsay Anderson
  95. We Need To Talk About Kevin (2011) Lynne Ramsay
  96. Westworld (1973) Michael Crichton
  97. Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) Mike Nichols
  98. Who’s That Knocking at My Door? (1967) Martin Scorsese
  99. Yes Man (2008) Peyton Reed
  100. You Don’t Know Jack (2010) Barry Levinson